Southeastern Louisiana University Site
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2018 ACM ICPC South Central USA Regional Programming Contest
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Southeastern Louisiana University Site Schedule

Schedule of events for November 10, 2018 (Southeastern Louisiana University Site).

All events are held in the Meade Hall and Computer Science & Technology (CSTB) buildings.

Event Location Time
Registration Meade Hall 112 8 AM - 9 AM
All teams meet Meade Hall 112 8:15 AM
Contest Rules (video chat w/LSU) Meade Hall 112 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM
Practice Contest (coaches may attend) CSTB 2028A-2030 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Lunch Meade Hall 112 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Rules Refinement (video chat w/LSU) Meade Hall 112 11 AM - 11:30 AM
Contest (no coaches allowed in CSTB Building) CSTB 2028A-2030 12 PM - 5 PM
Coaches' Round Table (video chat w/LSU) Meade Hall 112 1 PM - 2 PM
Supper / Problem Review / Awards Meade Hall 112 5:30 PM

Our schedule matches (or is intended to match) the LSU schedule for the important events. We may have live video from their site during many of the group meetings.

We will have sandwiches for lunch on Saturday, and wepos;ll have pizza along with the problem review and awards announcement on Saturday evening. Meals will include vegetarian options.